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2008 - 2011 BOARD MEMBERS

Khalil Ahmed Al-Mohanadi
President of Qatar Table Tennis Association
Fill the position President of Qatar Table Tennis Association from 2008-2011

Abdullah Yousef Al-Mulla
Vice President
Fill the position as a Vice President of the Union for the year 2008

Khalid Ali Mawlawi
General Secretary
Fill the position as a General Secretary for the year 2008

Mohammed Abdullah Saleh
Member of the board of directors
Fill the position as treasurer for the year 2008. Fill the position as a member of the board of directors from 2009-2011.
Hamad Ahmed Al Hammadi
Assistant Secretary
Fill the position as Assistant Secretary from 2009-2011

Muhammad Ali AL-Muhannadi
Member of the board of directors
Fill the position as member of the board of directors for the year 2008
Amina Abdullah Saleh
Member of the board of directors
Fills the position as Executive Director starting from 2015

Nasser Khalifa Al-Ajmi
Assistant Secretary
Fill the position as Assistant Secretary for the year 2011
Khalid Ali Al Kuwari
Member of the board of directors
Fill the position as Member of the board of directors from 2009-2011
Shaje Fahd Shahwani
General Secretary
Fill the position as Member of the board of directors for the year 2008. Fill the position as General Secretary from 2009-2010
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